management structure-乐彩网app手机版

for more than two decades since the group’s inception, we have been advocating and practicing the concept of responsible development with “2030 sustainable development goals (sdg) ”of united nations as the guiding direction. in tandem with business expansion, our attention is paid to perform environmental and social obligations and to meet our commitment to stakeholders in a concrete fashion. equipped with ingenuity and dedication to product and service quality, we work continuously on design and technology innovation, maintain our corporate integrity and transparent culture, as well as engage in philanthropy, all in a bid to deliver on our corporate mission of “building better lives”.

the group has incorporated esg governance into its corporate governance structure, adopting a four-level working mechanism of "decision-making level, supervision and suggestion level, overall communication level, and executive level" to comprehensively manage the group's esg performance. further, the group has clarified its management objectives, responsibilities and assessment mechanism, continuously improved esg affairs and risk management, and ensured that directors and senior executives of the company are informed of esg risk management, objectives, plans, implementation and progress through regular reports. such structure further strengthens the systematic and standardized management of esg work.

the group highly values the requirements of stakeholders and their expectations for the group's development. we have established diverse and customized communication channels and mechanisms to enhance stakeholders' understanding and recognition of the group and incorporated their expectations and priorities in our corporate strategies and operational management to gain the support from relevant parties.

in order to strengthen the company's sustainability management, the group conducts a survey for a wide range of stakeholders every 2-3 years, and comprehensively collects and understands opinions and feedbacks from the government, shareholders, employees, customers and other parties to identify the group's material sustainability issues. in 2021, we reviewed and revised material issues, which have been reported by the esg management committee to the board and the board has reviewed the matrix of material issues and raised opinions.

